Creating space!
Echte Verbindung spielend erkunden
Our vision is to create a conscious playground where we (re)learn and remember how to create with our hands, hearts and bodies a more colorful and beautiful world. Our core group consists of therapists, teachers and coaches in fields varying from yoga, to massage, breathwork to mindfulness and singing to tai-chi. We create and facilitate creative, playful and nourishing environments. Aside from our core group we have a large network of workshop facilitators who support us.
We offer a space for people to experience a natural high through connecting with our inner world and each other. We bring depth, playfulness, and consciousness to events. Spaces where guests can recharge and experience something new.
part of Kreatur
Play as the tool
Real connection learn from each other
be held
be seen
What changes do you want to see in the world? Let's make them happen
Besonders gern gebe ich Workshops an Retreats und Festivals. Alle Angebote werden immer auf die Gruppe und das Setting angepasst. Hast du einen anderen Impuls zum zusammenarbeiten? Dann meld dich gern
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Impressionen & Testimonials
Let's talk!
Melde dich gern für ein unverbindliches Gespräch. Schick mir hier eine Nachricht oder buche hier direkt einen Termin für ein Kennenlernen. Ich freu mich von Dir zu hören!